Thursday, May 19, 2005

Playing Hooky

This afternoon our entire office went to see Revenge of the Sith.

Without giving anything away, here are a few comments.

The opening scene is a gigantic space battle featuring more spacecraft than any other space battle scene ever filmed. It’s almost too much to follow.

Some of the dialog, particularly between Anakin and Padme’, is wooden and stilted.

In addition to some bad dialog, Anakin does some very, very bad things.

The final light saber battle between Anakin and (I won’t say who, but you can guess), is edge-of-your-seat stuff. Very gripping.

Finally, the physical transformation that turns Anakin into Darth Vader lives up to expectations – mine at least.

This reminds me of a cartoon I saw in the New Yorker when the movie Titanic first came out. A couple is exiting the theatre as other people are waiting in line to see the next screening. On their way out the woman says to the man, “I still cried when the ship sank.” The couple waiting to go in says, “Thanks for ruining the show!”

It’s great to be The Family Man.

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