Friday, April 29, 2005

It’s not just children who say silly things

The Family Man enjoys the interesting things his children say.

Waking up morning I felt particularly old and creaky. Stumbling out of bed, I mumbled to my wife, “My jones and boints are really sore this morning.”

I paused, thought, ‘did I just say jones and boints?’ My wife’s chuckle confirmed it. Senility, apparently, on top of osteoporosis. The day is 10 minutes old and not off to a good start.

On my drive into work I pondered the interesting things I’ve heard my kids say. The most memorable comments are those that come completely out of the blue. For example, one summer afternoon, sitting in the sandbox with my two year old, I noticed him staring intently at his bare feet. He looked up at me solemnly and said, “Dad, I have big feet.”

My two year old son told me the other day, “When I grow up, I’m going to be an owl.”

My four year old, sliding down a dirt pile – “I’m an avalanche.”

This winter, while watching snow falling outside, he said, “Snow is rain. Cold rain.”

These comments are tied to memories that I’ll treasure forever. Even the one that happened tonight, as I walked in the door after a long week at work. My wife and kids were talking about hair color. My wife asked my kids, “…and what color is blond hair?”

My four-year old looks directly at me and says, “Gray.”

I started the day with aching ‘jones and boints.’ I end the day with gray blond hair. Could it get worse?

Tonight while tucking my two-year old in to bed, he looked up at me and said, “You’re my best daddy. I’m going to keep you forever!”

No…it only gets better.

It’s great to be The Family Man


Curious Servant said...
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Curious Servant said...

Yesterday we were at a pizza place and there was a little kid throwing a fit. My 15 year old turned to me and said, "Did I ever act like that?" I told him that if he had ever even started to act like that I would have dragged him outside and we would be headed home.

Now here is the good part.

He looked up at me and said "Thanks for raising me right."

The cute things he said as a kid are great, but this one is a real treasure.