Thursday, April 21, 2005

The Family Man appreciates the joy of the simple moment.

This evening my wife was in the backyard with our four-year old son. Our two-year old son was sitting alone, quietly, on the family room floor listening to a CD of childrens music. At the top of the stairs I watched him, completely unaware of my presence, enjoying the music. Softly I crept down the stairs, crossed the floor and knelt beside him. He turned to look at me, an angelic smile on his face, welcoming me to share the moment with him. I lifted him up in my arms, held him close, and began to gently sway to the music. His smile grew wider, then he lay his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes and we slowly swayed across the room. His fine, light hair brushed my cheek, the scent of his shampoo faint in the air, his soft breath warm upon my neck.

All too soon the song ended. He lifted his head, looked at me, and said, "Daddy, let's do that again."And so we did.

It's great to be The Family Man.

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