Sunday, June 03, 2007

I've got a ways to go

I spent a fair amount of time this weekend updating and tweaking The Camping Machine website. It is not where I want it to be in terms of look and content, but it is slowly getting there. I would love to be able to link this blog directly into the blog page of that site, but so far no luck. Right now it is impossible for people to comment on the blog posts - I've asked people to use the guestbook to comment, but that is not as easy as clicking the comment button on a Blogger blog. I'd love to rebuild the site in Dreamweaver and repost it, but that will take me years. If you haven't taken a look, please visit and let me know what you think.

As I mentioned before, I'm trying to expand this blog a bit. I want to incorporate more material and expand the editorial options. The focus will always be what it has been here - stories about our family. But in the summertime, especially in between the spring and fall youth soccer season, we focus our summer around the camping trips we're planning to take. As we enter our third year as enthusiastic and proud members of the RV Nation, I'm thinking that when it is all said and done, and I'm on my deathbed, one of the things my kids will say is, "Dad, we sure had fun going on all those camping trips, didn't we? It was great to get out and see all the different parts of the country. Those were some great times." At least that's what I hope they'll say - about 50 years from now!

Speaking of deathbeds, I had a very interesting dream the other night, which I will detail here in a week or so. Also we had an interesting incident on our last camping trip that is an entertaining story, which I'll have to tell soon, while it is still fresh. For those of you who have read this blog for awhile, you're guessing that it involves Tommy - and you'd be right.

On The Camping Machine ( website I am re-running some of my favorite posts from this blog. I am finding there are different readers going to The Camping Machine site, readers who have never been here. The Camping Machine website has been linked to from a couple of RV links pages and some traffic has come from there. Those readers don't know The Family Man, so I'm sharing some posts so they will see that the site is more than just camping.

If you are kind enough to link to this blog, I would ask you to change your link to The Camping Machine ( , as at some point I will cease posting here and put all of my writing on that site. If you know of anyone who'd be willing to link to The Camping Machine ( please send them there. I will return the favor as I have a pretty robust links page, which seems to get a fair amount of hits.

Thank you again for reading this blog.

It's Great to be the Family man

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